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You Need
Leveraged Income

Financial Freedom – This is an incredible reward that a leveraged income model gives to people. As money can be generated without your active participation. Once you setup a sponsorship system that gives you leveraged income through revenue sharing, you become free to do anything that matters most to you. The key to making and sustaining long term wealth is to work in a system where your initial work produces a large amount of reoccurring and leveraged income based on the work of others. 


Leveraged income works in an unusual way. It can reward you many times for one session of work. This is a strategic way to escape the worries of bad hours, inconsistent commission checks, and unrelenting customers. Its ALL about the  freedom!


Because money is not the only thing in this world that you should give priority to, you can spend time with family, friends, and kids, you can go on vacations. This is known as a "Self Reliant Lifestyle"

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Build Networks

Short of winning the lottery, if you want to become wealthy ... You MUST use some sort of leveraged income to get you there. You are probably already earning leverage income... Sadly, right now, you are probably just earning it for someone else!


Leveraged income is the bedrock of wealth creation for the rich. You have probably heard the expression that “the rich get richer while the poor get poorer.” It’s often used to explain the unfairness when it comes to money. However we don’t think this is unfair at all.

20% of the millionaires in the USA today, became wealthy by leveraging their time through the work of others... and they did it using something called sponsorship or referral marketing. Essentially they connect people.

So, if you want to get wealthy, the first thing that you have to do is to think like the wealthy. eXp can show you how to build a powerful connected network that will financially benefit you and your family.

"The richest people in the world build networks and make connections, everyone else looks for work and trades time for money, and they, (everyone else) wonders why they are not wealthy."


Robert Kiyosaki

Author, Rich Dad Poor Dad

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